Monday, March 30, 2009

What is Biodynamic Wine?

Biodynamic wine is the wine made from biodynamic grapes. Only biodynamic grapes can make biodynamic wines. These are frequently being called BD wines. BD wine is becoming popular.

Viticulture is the science of growing grapes. Biodynamics has become very popular recently in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States, particularly in Poughkeepsie (well maybe not Poughkeepsie). Many of the high-end, high-profile (and high-cost) commercial grape growers have started producing BD grapes for biodynamic wines. Currently there are over 450 biodynamic wine producers in the world. The principles and practices of biodynamics are based on a spiritual/practical philosophy, called anthroposophy, which includes understanding the ecological, the energetic, and the spiritual in nature.

Biodynamic wine is delicious (but I think all wine is delicious) and helps us get back to a happier, more organic environment. BD Grape growers don’t use artificial fertilizers or pesticides and create a cleaner, healthier grape. Lots of hippies like this stuff. I’m not a hippie, but I like it too. It’s tasty. I hope that it doesn’t make me want to stop showering, smoke dope and wear my hair in dreadlocks. Regular wine has made me do some silly stuff (like posting this blog), I wonder what biodynamic wines will make me do.

If you're looking for a good buzz while maintaining a good connection with Mother Earth try a Biodynamic Wine. If you want a really good buzz try multiple biodynamic wines.